I have spent the better 1/2 of my afternoon trying to get a podiatrist to see me before I hop on a plane to Albuquerque tomorrow. I'm supposed to have a 16 mile run this weekend...I really don't want to miss it. I'm being good though, and staying completely off it until I see the dr. Thankfully, I got an appointment for tomorrow am. Fingers crossed...
Better that you're getting this taken care of now and not in another couple of weeks. You'll have plenty of time to rehab it and you'll be back to running in no time. You're going to kick the marathon's ass.
16 tomorrow?? GOOD LUCK!!!!! just a day of fitness... no big thang.... audio book Q/T.
and if tomorrow doesn't work its NO BIG DEAL. you have PLENTY of time, weeks and weeks... I will def see that healed up tendon at the starting line on nov 23 so don't even fret. or front.
You recently commented on my RUNNING blog with question about the achilles injury...so here is what I ended up doing because it did not go away so easily...
I tried the RICE technique and then went to see a sports doc. He recommended some rest and also some stretches. He also recommended heel lifts/pads by a company called Sorbethane. Just Google the name and get the heel inserts, you do not need the full insole. Also, Google "eccentric calf stretches" and do them religiously. Finally, ice every night for 20-30 minutes. Oh, and I made sure I had the right shoes and laced them properly.
If you have to, then run every other day...I took two weeks off and came back slowly. Now I have zero pain. With your marathon around the corner you may need to rest a little or run every other day...it may not get 100% better right now, but you can have a good cance at not making it any worse.
Best of luck to you!!!
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