Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Week 5: Day 4

August 21

started out so promising! Woke up to my alarm at 5:45am and rolled out of bed to hit the pavement. While I was getting ready, Jack became enthralled by himself in the mirror above my sink. I couldn't resist the photo.

The run went great, I felt great and ran to Lance Armstrong's Coaching Set from Nike. I only walked 3 times, and was really good about increasing my pace when Lance told me to. I stretched outside my apartment, and felt fine all the way up until about 20 minutes into my meeting in the morning.

Downhill. Fast. That's the best way to explain it. I was dizzy, nauseous, clammy, feverish and my stomach hurt more than anything. It was a supreme effort to remain conscious and I found myself in the meeting trying to plan for when I passed out. That's when I realized I needed to get to a doctor.

The doctor took me without an appointment and thank goodness. My fever was over 100 and I had to lay very still to keep from feeling woozy. They took a strep test (negative) and did some bloodwork (we'll see) but until then it's bed rest & the B.R.A.T. diet* for me.

Sleep last night: 7 hours
B-fast - Dunkin Donuts flat bread veggie sandwich & skim latte
Lunch - Gatorade, Brown rice, applesauce
Dinner - whole wheat spaghetti

*B = Bananas, R = Rice, A = Applesauce, T = Toast

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