Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Week 6: Day 2

August 26

I slacked on the blog this weekend, but I'm feeling much better. Today marked my first day back to training runs, with an early alarm clock and the sun just starting to peek out (I can tell that the days are getting shorter....sigh) I got up and did a 3 mile run today. I could definitely feel that I hadn't been for a run this past weekend; my legs were a little more sluggish and I was quicker to tire. I did my norm: run for 4 min and then walk for 1 which was good. I did try to pick up my legs more and noticed that I got my heart rate up to 190 today. A little shocking because I'd been clocking in at 184-187 tops recently, but I 'll take it a good sign that I was able to push a little harder this morning.

Distance: 3 miles
Time: 30.12 minutes
Peak HR: 190

Sleep last night: 7 hours
B-fast - Oatmeal w/a nectarine & Coffee with FF creamer
Lunch - L&F Yogurt, applesauce, mini croissant, lorna-doone 100 cal pack
Dinner - Salad by Josh (tomatoes, cucumbers, chickpeas, hard boiled egg, chicken, peppers & feta)
Oh, and a glass of wine at Spamalot that was worth all of the $8 we paid for it. Oh, and sorbet with raspberries :)

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